Extensis Connect + Insight

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Connect + Insight Prevents Pre-Production Panic

Quickly identify and resolve font usage risks buried within project files so production runs silky smooth with Connect + Insight.

Who Has The Hardest Job On A Creative Team?

Creative teams manage tons of fonts and other creative assets day in and day out at breathtaking speed.

But managing font licenses, that is all too often done in messy spreadsheets that are hard for teams to track, and impossible for creative leaders to find useful.




Fix Fonts Before It's Too Late

Connect + Insight lets teams swap disorganization for effective font and creative asset management at scale, simplified font license management, and intelligent font usage and license compliance reporting capabilities.

All with the added assurance of Project Risk Scanning that identifies font usage risks within project files so offending fonts are fixed before production.


It's All In The Delivery

That’s the kind of creative asset management that provides leaders the analytical insight they need to make smart decisions, ensure creative asset compliance, and deliver projects to stakeholders as promised.




We Put The Sweet In Creative Intelligence Suite

Connect + Insight is part of a Creative Intelligence Suite designed to enhance collaboration, increase efficiency in creative operations, and provide creative risk management for teams half a world apart, or in the same room.


Use Cases

Report on creative risks in Adobe documents at any point during creative operations, no matter the stage or where they’re stored.

Export Font Risk Assessment Reports to share with clients or a production team so they know what fonts to fix if something’s broken.

Overview entire font collections with analytics to determine total value, eliminate duplicative fonts, and prevent the unnecessary repurchase of creative assets already owned.




Extensis solutions are available on qbssoftware.fr